Dr. Tanya Davis' life took a tumultuous turn as she found herself on a destructive path, living a dangerous life on the streets of Detroit, Michigan. Her struggle with addiction led to a life filled with drug use, prostitution, domestic violence, and homelessness, eventually resulting in criminal activities and imprisonment. However, amidst the darkness, she always acknowledges "To GOD be the glory." It was in the depths of her despair, within the confines of a jail cell, that God met her and began transforming her life. In 2003, Ms. Davis relocated to Nashville, Tennessee, where God began elevating her in all her endeavors.
Today, Ms. Davis is a multi-talented entrepreneur, author, inspirational speaker, producer, professional beauty educator, mentor, and playwright. She is a witness to the love and redemption of God and serves as a licensed minister of the Gospel, actively engaging in ministry work. Through her testimony, lives have been saved, and she has inspired many to overcome obstacles. Ms. Davis loves to proclaim, "I know a Man, and He's not from Detroit or Nashville – but He's from Galilee." She continues to spread hope wherever she goes, particularly in guiding individuals suffering from addiction, domestic violence, and mental health issues towards successful recovery.
Today, Ms. Davis is a multi-talented entrepreneur, author, inspirational speaker, producer, professional beauty educator, mentor, and playwright. She is a witness to the love and redemption of God and serves as a licensed minister of the Gospel, actively engaging in ministry work. Through her testimony, lives have been saved, and she has inspired many to overcome obstacles. Ms. Davis loves to proclaim, "I know a Man, and He's not from Detroit or Nashville – but He's from Galilee." She continues to spread hope wherever she goes, particularly in guiding individuals suffering from addiction, domestic violence, and mental health issues towards successful recovery.
One of Ms. Davis' passions is giving back and volunteering for various organizations. She has dedicated her time and support to Operation Stand-down Tennessee, Mending Hearts, The Next Door, G4 facility Level 3 Residential Treatment, Tennessee Women Prison, Salvation Army, Women with Open Arms, Nashville Recovery Fest, (TPOM) Tennessee Prison Outreach Ministries, and many others. She motivates students through career day visits to elementary schools, high schools, and cosmetology schools, encouraging them never to give up and emphasizing the importance of saying no to drugs. When asked about her future endeavors, her response always remains, "Wherever GOD leads me because I know it is HIS purpose!"
Ms. Davis has a long list of notable achievements, including Salon of the Year and Stylist of the Year awards in Detroit in 2000 and 2001, respectively. In Nashville, she received the Phenomenal Woman Distinguished Award in 2009 and the Spirit of Excellence Award and I Am Royalty Award in 2016. In the same year, she joined Beauty Behind Bars as one of their National Spokeswomen, traveling across the United States and abroad. In recent years, she has been recognized with the Partnership Award from Pass the Beauty Organization in 2021, the IAAWE Leadership Award in Atlanta, GA, Unstoppable Women in Business award, Uterine Cancer Foundation Superhero Award, Rock the Bell Foundation "Girl She So Dope Award" and 2024 Women of Influence Award. She has an Honorary Decorate in Leadership from the MIZ CEO Society International Coaching Institute June 2022, and Doctorate of Christian Humane Letters from School of the Great Commission Theological Seminary June 2023.
Ms. Davis has a long list of notable achievements, including Salon of the Year and Stylist of the Year awards in Detroit in 2000 and 2001, respectively. In Nashville, she received the Phenomenal Woman Distinguished Award in 2009 and the Spirit of Excellence Award and I Am Royalty Award in 2016. In the same year, she joined Beauty Behind Bars as one of their National Spokeswomen, traveling across the United States and abroad. In recent years, she has been recognized with the Partnership Award from Pass the Beauty Organization in 2021, the IAAWE Leadership Award in Atlanta, GA, Unstoppable Women in Business award, Uterine Cancer Foundation Superhero Award, Rock the Bell Foundation "Girl She So Dope Award" and 2024 Women of Influence Award. She has an Honorary Decorate in Leadership from the MIZ CEO Society International Coaching Institute June 2022, and Doctorate of Christian Humane Letters from School of the Great Commission Theological Seminary June 2023.
Currently, Ms. Davis has created "The Shirley Gene Scholarship" in honor of her mother. This scholarship aims to empower young ladies ages 17-20 to lead, innovate, and serve, enriching their lives through leadership, education, and positive identity development. The Women Who Rock Nashville organization is committed to partnering with TPOM (Tennessee Prison Outreach Ministries), Mending Hearts, Next Door, Thistle Farms, and the Juvenile Court System to provide support and guidance to young women, building their self-esteem, broadening their horizons, and equipping them with tools for self-empowerment. Furthermore, Ms. Davis's passion for serving God is evident, as she is an active member of Citipointe Church Nashville under the leadership of Pastor Joel Ramsey.
Ms. Davis is a loving mother to her daughter Parisia Harp and a proud grandmother to her four precious grandchildren: Tarien Harp, Taylor Harp, John "BJ" Foster, and Josiah "JoJo" Foster. She cherishes the unwavering support of her number one fan and ride-or-die, her mother Shirley Gene Harp, who prayed for her restoration from the depths of hell and encouraged her to fulfill God's plan for her life. Though her mother has passed on (January 26, 1944 - May 20, 2020), her spirit continues to live on in Ms. Davis's heart. Finally, Ms. Davis firmly believes in the power of encouraging change, for it is necessary, and with Christ, all things are possible.
Ms. Davis is a loving mother to her daughter Parisia Harp and a proud grandmother to her four precious grandchildren: Tarien Harp, Taylor Harp, John "BJ" Foster, and Josiah "JoJo" Foster. She cherishes the unwavering support of her number one fan and ride-or-die, her mother Shirley Gene Harp, who prayed for her restoration from the depths of hell and encouraged her to fulfill God's plan for her life. Though her mother has passed on (January 26, 1944 - May 20, 2020), her spirit continues to live on in Ms. Davis's heart. Finally, Ms. Davis firmly believes in the power of encouraging change, for it is necessary, and with Christ, all things are possible.